Sunday, May 13, 2012

Séduction du dimanche... Sunday Seduction

 Aaah quel bonheur une petite sieste le dimanche lovée dans la jolie couverture de Mam' Nadia...
Oh how nice to cuddle up for a lovely nap on Sunday afternoon in Mam' Nadia's pretty blanket...

Oh! Aragon! Bonjour! Que veux-tu?
Oh! Aragon!  Hello! What do you want?

Un bisou!  Comme la princesse dans l'histoire!  Que c'est mignon!
A kiss!  Like the princess in the story!  How sweet...

Mais!?  Tu pars?  M'enfin... T'es un crapaud, pas un prince!
What!?  You're leaving? Huh! You're a frog, not a prince!


duplex house plans said...

Feels so hot in here!

wrecked car said...

My lifestyle has been one great large joke, a dance that’s walked a song that’s spoke, I giggle so challenging I virtually choke when I think about myself.

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