Petit portrait de mon premier "chien d'expo," le bel Aragon des Charmes d'Antan... qui m'a aussi gracieusement permis d'utiliser son nom pour mon élevage.
Je suis tombé amoureuse d'une photo d'Aragon sur le net, émotion suivie d'une frénésie d'impatience... mais j'ai patienté, négocié avec les enfants, re-patienté, renégocié avant de craquer pour sa jolie frimousse, sa délicatesse et son caractère merveilleux...
En arrivant à la maison, il m'a lancé sur l'aventure de l'élevage, car avoir un phalène de qualité m'a forcément amené sur le chemin du "pourquoi pas...?" Et de toute façon, mon véto voulait vraiment s'acheter la nouvelle BM...
Son passe-temps favori? S'installer sur le dos du canapé et lécher les oreilles des humains assez idiots pour s'assoir devant lui...
Merci, mon Aragon adoré, pour tout... et surtout pour les oreilles propres!
Photos: Aragon pose... Aragon broute... Aragon cherche la prochaine oreille...
Portrait of my first "show dog,"Aragon des Charmes d'Antan, who graciously allowed me to use his name for my kennel.
It's all his fault, really - I saw a picture of him on the net, fell immediately and madly in love with his sweet little face, and from then on went into a frenzy of negotiations with the kids, attempting patience as a tactic (and fate, with the "if he isn't sold by such-and-such a date, it means he's mine!"), more negotiations, more patience... until I caved in and went to get him. He'd charmed me with his first snuffle, I should have known then that I was an absolute goner.
Once I got him home, that was it. Having a lovely show-quality dog led me to the next obvious thought: why can't I breed them? And yes, my vet did really want that new Beemer...
His favorite passtime at home? Sitting on the back of the sofa and licking the ears of any humans silly enough to sit in front of him...
Thank you for everything, my darling Aragon... and especially for the clean ears!
Photos: Aragon striking a pose... Aragon pretending to be a cow... Aragon on the lookout for the next ear...
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