Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Des bébés au Fief d'Aragon

Hier, 4 petits gars sont nés au Fief d'Aragon. Maman Aramisse des Charmes d'Antan se porte comme un... charme! Et papa Gardony (Toya) est toute chose...

Dans l'ordre, et dans avec des noms qui vont peut-être encore changer: Darcy, Da Vinci, Dorian et Dances-with-Woofs.


Yesterday, 4 little guys were born at the Fief d'Aragon... Mom Aramisse des Charmes d'Antan is doing great, and Daddy Gardony (Toya) is terribly excited to be a daddy again... or he would be if he actually knew!

Their names, which might still change, are: Darcy, Da Vinci, Dorian and Dances-with-Woofs.

Aren't they sweet?


MC et les phalènes du Priamont said...

Bienvenue charmants "jeunes hommes"...phalènes!

Que vous êtes bôôôôô !

Anonymous said...

They are GOOORGEOUUS!!!!
Congratulations for the puppies and the great new blog to read.

Anonymous said...

oops - that's me, Diana, not anonymous - just making usual mess of leaving comments!!