D'Artagnan et Dorian (Da Vinci derrière) à l'heure du repas
D'Artagnan and Dorian (Da Vinci at the back) at mealtime
D'Artagnan and Dorian (Da Vinci at the back) at mealtime
D'Artagnan, angélique...
D'Artagnan looking angelic...
D'Artagnan looking angelic...
Mais les garçons seront toujours des garçons: "C'est MOI le plus fort!" "Non, c'est MOI!" Dorian et Darcy se mesurent...
But boys will be boys: "Me's the strongest!" "No, ME'S!!" Dorian and Darcy duel it out...
But boys will be boys: "Me's the strongest!" "No, ME'S!!" Dorian and Darcy duel it out...
C'est pas juste: deux contre un! Da Vinci s'y met aussi
Not fair: two against one! Da Vinci joins the fray
And now we tear the joint apart! Attack! Attack! ...Chaos is SUCH fun!
And finally, Dorian expresses his thoughts to his bro', Da Vinci... Dorian! It's rude to stick out your tongue! Be polite, will you?
You've GROWN!!! Wow you's big boyz now. We can hardly recognise you. Glad to see you are living up to the reputation of "boys will be boys" and occasionally tearing the place to bits - just wouldn't be normal (nor fair!) otherwise.
Thanks for the gorgeous picture story Nadia - it's great watching them grow up like this.
Big kiss
qu'ils sont trognons!!!
et quelle énergie, c'est craquant de les voir jouer ainsi...
Ah lala quelle bamboula!
C'est la fiesta des phalènes!!!
Ils font terriblement plaisir à voir ces p'tits gars là!
Super :-)
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