The puppies were supposed to be posing for their portraits...
Mais avec Lilly, la zizanie a pris le dessus...
But then when it was Lilly's turn, it all went south...
But then when it was Lilly's turn, it all went south...
Je te croque...
If you're going to give me a little nibble...
If you're going to give me a little nibble...
Tu me croques...
I'll give you a little nibble back...
I'll give you a little nibble back...
... sur la bar-bi-che-tte!
... Aren't we supposed to be doing something else?
... Aren't we supposed to be doing something else?
Oh, how lovely!! The puppies are absolutely gorgeous. What great photos. You will have to remind me of the colours again - what colour is Equinox? It is lovely to have such different puppies in the same litter - quite rare, no? lots of love xx
sont tous mimis ces petits bouts
j'attends les nouveaux portraits avec impatience...
Ooooh ! Eirinn tu as une sacré tête de coquine...comme je les aime tant!
Gros bisous à vous 3...adorables Petits Chiens, merveilleux cadeaux de la Vie!
Grany MC....hihihi !
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