Aujourd'hui, on va parler d'une activité qu'on trouve hyper marrant... ça s'appelle le "sliming"!
Today, we're going to talk about a really fun passtime - it's called "sliming"!
Today, we're going to talk about a really fun passtime - it's called "sliming"!
Coucou! c'est 'Quinox... j'ai l'air tout gentil, non?
Hi! It's Quinox... I look nice and sweet, don't I?
Hi! It's Quinox... I look nice and sweet, don't I?
Moi aussi, Eirinn, je suis un vrai petit ange... sauf quand on SLIME!
And I'm a real little angel... except when we SLIME!
And I'm a real little angel... except when we SLIME!
On vient d'attaquer Penny! Hahahahaha (c'est Quinox qu'elle fuit)
We snuck up and attacked Penny! hahahahaha (that's Quinox she's running away from)
We snuck up and attacked Penny! hahahahaha (that's Quinox she's running away from)