Les chiots étaient sensé poser pour leur portrait...
The puppies were supposed to be posing for their portraits...

D'abord, Equinox
First, Equinox

Ensuite Eirinn...
Then Eirinn....Mais avec Lilly, la zizanie a pris le dessus...
But then when it was Lilly's turn, it all went south...
Je te croque...
If you're going to give me a little nibble...
Tu me croques...
I'll give you a little nibble back...
... sur la bar-bi-che-tte!
... Aren't we supposed to be doing something else?

C'est MON jeu! Et nah!
... Nope! You taste good!... On fera encore une tentative la semaine prochaine!
... We'll try again next week!