Tuesday, December 22, 2009

En parlant de la neige... / Talking about the snow....

Je voulais juste rajouter que c'est froid pour les papattes... brrrrr!
I just wanted to add that it's cold for my little paws.... brrrrr!
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Neige! / Snow!

La neige est tombée chez nous! C'est blanc, c'est froid et ça mouille. Et en plus y'a des trucs qui se cachent dedans?
We've had some snowfall here. It's white, it's cold and it's wet. And there's stuff hidden underneath it?

'Quinox qui se demande que fait sa maman - son jouet est là, il est juste un peu mouillé avec tout ce truc blanc.
'Quinox can't figure out what his mom is doing - his toy is right here, it's just a bit wet from all the white stuff.

Kayla jusqu'au genoux dans la neige - c'est rare par ici!
Kayla up to her knees in the snow - that's rare around here!

Maman, tu fais quoi? Il est là-bas, mon jouet!
Mommy, what are you doing? My toy's over there!

Ooh, on joue à l'autruche! C'est trop drôle!
Ooh, we're playing ostrich! What fun!
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

L'automne / Autumn

C'est l'automne, et nous on a pas dit bonjour depuis un moment...
It's Autumn, and we haven't said hello in a while...

Eh oui, c'est nous. Tu nous as appelé?
Yup, it's us. Did you say something?

Biscuits? Tu as dis biscuits? On arrive!
Biscuits? Did you say Biscuits? We're coming!

Il se passe quelque chose là-bas? Non? Alors on va rentrer...
Anything going on over there? No? We might as well go in...

Eirinn! Viens vite! Y'a Lilly-Joy qui nous rend visite! Elle a du passer par l'autre porte...
Eirinn! Hurry! Lilly-Joy's here! She must have come in through the other door...
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