Tuesday, December 1, 2009

L'automne / Autumn

C'est l'automne, et nous on a pas dit bonjour depuis un moment...
It's Autumn, and we haven't said hello in a while...

Eh oui, c'est nous. Tu nous as appelé?
Yup, it's us. Did you say something?

Biscuits? Tu as dis biscuits? On arrive!
Biscuits? Did you say Biscuits? We're coming!

Il se passe quelque chose là-bas? Non? Alors on va rentrer...
Anything going on over there? No? We might as well go in...

Eirinn! Viens vite! Y'a Lilly-Joy qui nous rend visite! Elle a du passer par l'autre porte...
Eirinn! Hurry! Lilly-Joy's here! She must have come in through the other door...
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Anonymous said...
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Diana said...

Wow, you guys have GROWN!! You are so grown up I didn't recognise you. Thanks for the update, the pictures are beautiful as always. Happy holidays to you all. xx

how to ollie said...

This is too funny... :D

Grizzy said...

Beautiful dogs :-)